This site provides investment related information but not individual investment advice. Its content is not based on knowledge of any reader’s individual needs or circumstances. The investment securities and strategies mentioned are not suitable for all investors. Any mention of investment strategies, products, services or returns is not intended as a recommendation, advice or an offer to buy or sell securities. Past returns are not indicative of future results and investors should not assume that any investment will be profitable.

Any tax and/or legal advice contained herein is of a general nature. Further, you should seek specific tax and/or legal advice from your tax professional and/or attorney before pursuing any idea contemplated herein. This advice is being provided solely as an incidental service to our business as financial planner.

Platinum Peak Advisors, LLC
7700 West Camino Real #400
Boca Raton, FL 33433
561-463-0466 (phone)
561-431-5795 (fax)